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Title: Photophoresis of heated moderately large spherical aerosol particles=Фотофорез нагретых умеренно крупных аэрозольных частиц сферической формы
Authors: Malai, N. V.
Limanskaya, A. V.
Shchukin, E. R.
Stukalov, A. A.
Keywords: physics
molecular physics
photophoresis in a gases
spherical particle
movement particle
electromagnetic radiation
Issue Date: 2012
Citation: Photophoresis of heated moderately large spherical aerosol particles=Фотофорез нагретых умеренно крупных аэрозольных частиц сферической формы / N.V. Malai, A.V. Limanskaya, E.R. Shchukin et al. ; National Research University Belgorod State University // Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics. - 2012. - Vol.25, №5.-P. 355-363.
Abstract: Steady-state motion of a moderately large solid aerosol spherical particle electromagnetically irradiated in a gas is described theoretically in the Stokes approximation. In the consideration of the motion, it was supposed that the average temperature of the particle surface could differ considerably from the temperature of the gaseous medium surrounding the particle. In the process of the solution of the gas dynamic equations, analytical expressions for the photophoresis force and velocity were obtained, with allowance for the dependencies of density and viscosity of the gaseous medium and thermal conductivity on temperature
Appears in Collections:Статьи из периодических изданий и сборников (на иностранных языках) = Articles from periodicals and collections (in foreign languages)

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