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dc.contributor.authorDodokhova, M. A.-
dc.contributor.authorSafronenko, A. V.-
dc.contributor.authorKotieva, I. M.-
dc.contributor.authorAlkhuseyn-Kulyaginova, M. S.-
dc.contributor.authorShpakovsky, D. B.-
dc.identifier.citationEvaluation of the pharmacological activity of hybrid organotin compounds in a B16 melanoma model in the classical and metronomic administration modes / M.A. Dodokhova [et al.] // Research Results in Pharmacology. - 2022. - Vol.8, №1.-P. 85-93. - Doi: 10.3897/
dc.description.abstractIn modern medical chemistry, much attention is paid to the search for new antimetastatic agents based on metal compounds. Organotin compounds promise to be good candidates as the treatment of malignant neoplasms. In order to reduce a possible nonspecific toxic effect of tin compounds and to expand the intended therapeutic use, the paper presents hybrid tin (IV) complexes with Sn-S bond containing a fragment of 2,6-di-tert-butylphenolru
dc.subjectorganotin compoundsru
dc.subjectmelanoma B16ru
dc.subjectantitumorigenic activityru
dc.subjectmetastasis inhibitionru
dc.subjectmetronomic drug administrationru
dc.titleEvaluation of the pharmacological activity of hybrid organotin compounds in a B16 melanoma model in the classical and metronomic administration modesru
Располагается в коллекциях:Vol. 8, № 1

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