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dc.contributor.authorKolesnikov, A. N.-
dc.contributor.authorIgnatenko, G. A.-
dc.contributor.authorGorodnik, G. A.-
dc.contributor.authorGrigorenko, A. P.-
dc.contributor.authorKolesnikova, A. G.-
dc.identifier.citationEvaluation of the influence of combinations of drugs for general anesthesia on change of activity of stress-limiting and stress-realizing links on the clinical model of acute stress damage / A.N. Kolesnikov [et al.] // Research result. Pharmacology and clinical pharmacology. - 2017. - Vol. 3, № 3.- P. 71-88. - Doi: 10.18413/
dc.description.abstractWhen a person is in a state of anesthesia - sedation, the realization of the stress reaction is carried out through the mesocortical - limbic system, while performing intensive therapy outside sedation - through the amygdala and the hippocampus. In this regard, the response of the stress system under anesthesia and outside it will be different and, consequently, the evaluation of reactions during anesthesia is extremely interesting and necessary for targeted (individual) choice of combinations of drugs for anesthesia, depending on their effect on the links of the stress system. The more interesting is the response of the stress system in the conditions of the existing pathology, which in itself is accompanied by a stressful responseru
dc.subjectpharmacological actionru
dc.subjectsurgical stressru
dc.titleEvaluation of the influence of combinations of drugs for general anesthesia on change of activity of stress-limiting and stress-realizing links on the clinical model of acute stress damageru
Располагается в коллекциях:Vol. 3, № 3

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