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Title: Complex correlation of two language systems: modern literary German of Germany and Austrian variant of German
Authors: Bondarenko, E. V.
Dekhnich, O. V.
Sheifel, N. A.
Chernova, O. O.
Profatilova, S. M.
Keywords: linguistics
german language
language system
variant of the language
german language
Austrian variant
Issue Date: 2019
Citation: Complex correlation of two language systems: modern literary German of Germany and Austrian variant of German / E.V. Bondarenko, O.V. Dekhnich, N.A. Sheifel [et al.] // Opcion. - 2019. - Vol.35, spec. №19.-P. 2847-2860.
Abstract: The article presents a research of Austrian variant of German lexical variety. German language of Germany is a pluricentric language. It exists in some variants: standard variant of modern literary German of Germany and two variants of German in Austria and Switzerland. The relations between the standard form of the language in Germany and its variant in Austria are the main issue of the research
Appears in Collections:Статьи из периодических изданий и сборников (на иностранных языках) = Articles from periodicals and collections (in foreign languages)

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