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Showing results 1 to 20 of 61  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
20171917-2017: lessons of the century for Russia and beyond = 1917-2017: уроки столетия для России и мираLobanov, K. N.
2016A live border: cossack maneuvers in the context of colonization (the late sixteenth to the early seventeenth century) = Живая граница: казачьи маневры в пространстве колонизации (рубеж XVI-XVII вв.)Golovnev, A. V.
2014A new explanation of the origins of World War I ?Hastad, D.
2017Absolutism and its limits. The monarchy and the nobility in eighteenth-century Prussia = Абсолютизм и его границы. Монархия и дворянство в Пруссии в XVIII векеSterkhov, D. V.
2017Achievements and failures in the study of the Russian revolution of 1917 = Успехи и просчеты в изучении революции 1917 года в РоссииPushkareva, I. M.
2020An Architectural Reassessment of a "Villa Rustica" Near SerdicaPopova, Dimitrina
2017An investigation on an early byzantine higher school in russian historiographyBolgov, N. N.; Bolgova, A. M.; Ryabtseva, M. L.; Lopatina, M. Y.; Semecheva, E. A.
2016An overview of relations between Serbia and Bulgaria in 1914-1915Antić, D. D.; Kocić, M. С.
2024Barbarian Imitations of Bosporan Staters and Roman Denarii from PhanagoriaAbramzon, M. G.
2021Bessarabian Nobility: Composition and Land TenureMorozan, V. V.
2020Center and periphery in the late antiquity (on the example of Bosporus)Yermolin, A. L.
2020Church in the late Roman empire: the current state of researchGratsianskiy, M. V.
2021Development of gerontology and geriatrics in MongoliaEnkhmandal, S.
2018English peasants and agrarian policy of the Tudors and the first Stuarts: legislation and peasant mentality through social conflict communication (1550-1640-s)Mitrophanov, V. P.; Aleshina, E. Y.
2017English peasants and agrarian policy of the Tudors and the first Stuarts: outlines of enclosure legislation = Английские крестьяне и аграрная политика Тюдоров и первых Стюартов: основы законодательства об огораживанияхMitrophanov, V. P.; Aleshina, E. Y.
2018European regional conflicts of the second half of the 1930s and the evolution of the national-socialist Image of enemyMalay, V.; Krupskaya, S.; Orehova, M.; Timoshkova, O.; Fomichev, N.
2019Forum: The Elite and Society in the Russian Empire from Paul I to Nicholas IIKunavin, K. S.
2017From February to October: a few words about the revolutionary events of 1917 = От Февраля к Октябрю: несколько слов о революционных событиях 1917 годаMarasanova, V. M.
2016Habitation layers and pedogenic processes in forest-steppe riverine valleys west of the don: the case of iIyinkaFedyunin, I. V.; Goleusov, P. V.; Sarapulkin, V. A.; Merkulov, A. N.
2019Historical-regional studies activity of the statistical committees in Turkestan (in the second half of the 19th - early 20th centuries)Hamraeva, T. R.